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rustic house design in Indonesia

rustic house design in Indonesia - Mojokerto, is one of the towns that still keep architectural masterpieces from the Dutch era. It is proved with still many homes with Dutch heritage architecture spread across several regions in Mojokerto.

These houses are the first evidence that the Dutch had lived in the city we love
and houses is a proof that the city holds many memories of the people residing in it.
However, the existence of homes or Dutch Masterpiece Architecture Design is not everything in a state that is still intact, sometimes the houses had been badly treated and looked rundown, or even about to be sold by its inhabitants.
From my search, I've found a lot of the work Maha careful though sometimes sad to see the state of the house was very dirty and not maintained, either because at the residence by the occupants or the occupants of the house did not appreciate and do not care one witness history in this city.

And from my search, I am also glad that there are still houses with Dutch architectural design is very well maintained and looks very beautiful. As one of the citizens of this city, I am proud of the city Mojokerto because apparently this city there are beautiful views from doeloe era is the work of Dutch architecture

And I can say that house is a work of Dutch architecture, because I happen to live in one of the Home Office Army of the Republic of Indonesia in the Youth Sub Sub Gedongan Magersari Mojokerto, is one of the Dutch architectural style and one day around January 2009, the Dutch man who once lived in the house came to the house and nostalgic childhood ever spend at home is to tell the story of her childhood to the occupants of the house that the majority of them all is a Member of the Army Military Police V UB.
Despite the fact that we have to admit, that Mojokerto is a city about to develop into a modern city and started a lot of buildings or shop in the town stands the magnificent relics of the Majapahit Kingdom, of course with a modern design and the work of Dutch architecture we have today only a matter of time for the ground to replace smooth with a modern design that will grow with dashing on the ground this city.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, in Indonesia many houses relics of the Dutch period, but many are not maintained. The house was supposed to be in care and preserved.
    How to make wood look old and rustic


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